phoenix the street artist: Symbol of the Workers (In Progress)
phoenix the street artist: Catalonian Colours (with a third of Green)
phoenix the street artist: THIS IS A SIGN - en Espagñol
phoenix the street artist: Elephants (and Double Spirals) In (Barcelona) Area.
phoenix the street artist: Bowíesque .. Dalíesque
phoenix the street artist: Just Like Back At Home.
phoenix the street artist: Usar El Celebro
phoenix the street artist: Salida De Dalí
phoenix the street artist: Phœnix España
phoenix the street artist: Usar El Celebro
phoenix the street artist: Getting Amongst It
phoenix the street artist: <3 of the Turista Zone.
phoenix the street artist: Sticker Granada
phoenix the street artist: Politics Lesson
phoenix the street artist: Elephant Pole - detail.
phoenix the street artist: DEJA SU <3 SER LIBRE EN CADAQUÉS
phoenix the street artist: MY <3 IS LIGHT AS A BALLOON.
phoenix the street artist: Free Range Moustache
phoenix the street artist: Elephant and Whale.
phoenix the street artist: EN TODA ECLIPSE OF LA <3