phoenixesrose: Three Wheel Mill - Zgorzelec, cafe in the bottom.
phoenixesrose: The Mill & Cafe where we lunched.
phoenixesrose: Germany & Poland reflected in the river
phoenixesrose: IMGP2177-4
phoenixesrose: Toward the Mill where we had lunch.
phoenixesrose: Germany on the Left, Poland on the Right
phoenixesrose: Poland on the Left, Germany Right
phoenixesrose: Looking back toward Goerlitz,Germany
phoenixesrose: Dreiradenmuehle - Three wheeled mill - and cafe on the Zgorzelec Border. Closed Jan 31,2010.
phoenixesrose: Dreiradenmuhle - Mill on the Zgorzelec side of River
phoenixesrose: Zgorzelec Cafe. Good food!
phoenixesrose: Zgorzelec - Polish border and the table along the river.
phoenixesrose: Polish Border...Zgorzelec
phoenixesrose: Soup.. and I love the bowl!
phoenixesrose: Zgorzelec Guard house
phoenixesrose: Blue Taxi
phoenixesrose: Polish Beer... Tasty!
phoenixesrose: IMGP2196-20
phoenixesrose: Polish side of the River, looking toward the German Church behind me
phoenixesrose: Zgorzelec Cats.
phoenixesrose: Zgorzelec Street Scene
phoenixesrose: Leaving Zgorzelec..
phoenixesrose: Polish Republic, Zgorzelec
phoenixesrose: Pope John Paul was in Zgorzelec, this remembers the trip.
phoenixesrose: Beautiful Building Zgorzelec side of River
phoenixesrose: Same building, a bit more reflection