phoenix_1981: humbleness through humility.
phoenix_1981: 4/365...two of a kind.
phoenix_1981: even in dreams...
phoenix_1981: 5/365...all things change...
phoenix_1981: 15/365..."it's a bit late
phoenix_1981: 17/365...we are forever linked
phoenix_1981: 18/365...imagining you with me...
phoenix_1981: 22/365...spring fever
phoenix_1981: 26/365...the end's not near
phoenix_1981: 29/365...even the sky was crying...
phoenix_1981: 38/365...when love was in the air...
phoenix_1981: 39/365...out in the crowd...
phoenix_1981: 41/365...a silent morning...
phoenix_1981: 46/365...a sense of renewal
phoenix_1981: 54/365...a familiar scent...