Phoemail: Road trip to Florida - The map of our trip!
Phoemail: Road trip to Florida - Stop at Diary Queen for ice cream..
Phoemail: Road trip to Florida - Stop at Diary Queen for ice cream..
Phoemail: Road trip to Florida - Stop at Diary Queen for ice cream..
Phoemail: Road trip to Florida - Sunset on the road
Phoemail: Road trip to Florida - Sunset on the road
Phoemail: Road trip to Florida - Drive by of South of the Border, horrifying
Phoemail: Charleston - City sightseeing tour, inside one of the old houses
Phoemail: Charleston - City sightseeing tour, inside one of the old houses
Phoemail: Charleston - City sightseeing tour, inside one of the old houses
Phoemail: Charleston (road trip to Florida) - Refreshing ourselves with pink lemonade on tour
Phoemail: Charleston (road trip to Florida) - Refreshing ourselves with pink lemonade on tour
Phoemail: Charleston (road trip to Florida) - Hanging out at the old house
Phoemail: Charleston (road trip to Florida) - Hanging out at the old house
Phoemail: Charleston (road trip to Florida) - Found a suitably pink block for me to stand on outside
Phoemail: Road trip to Florida - Classic roadside chic
Phoemail: Road trip to Florida - Martha doing some serious driving whilst Nora naps
Phoemail: Road trip to Florida - Double sunglasses combo!
Phoemail: Road trip to Florida - Highlight of my trip; buying exotic gum
Phoemail: Road trip to Florida - Mildly retarded...
Phoemail: Road trip to Florida - About to cross the impressive Talmadge Memorial Bridge into Savannah
Phoemail: Road trip to Florida - About to cross the impressive Talmadge Memorial Bridge into Savannah
Phoemail: Road trip to Florida - About to cross the impressive Talmadge Memorial Bridge into Savannah
Phoemail: Road trip to Florida - About to cross the impressive Talmadge Memorial Bridge into Savannah
Phoemail: Savannah (road trip to Florida) - Grill attached! That's what we need
Phoemail: Savannah (road trip to Florida) - Old Savannah
Phoemail: Savannah (road trip to Florida) - Like being in Doctor Who
Phoemail: Savannah (road trip to Florida) - Chocolate covered marshmallow with peanuts sprinkled on top! Known as "Marshmallow pop"!
Phoemail: Savannah (road trip to Florida) - Alcoholic slurpee at Wet Willies
Phoemail: Savannah (road trip to Florida) - Alcoholic slurpee at Wet Willies