Phoemail: Auckland - Day 1 - Stocking up at Burger Fuel
Phoemail: New Zealand - Auckland - The Wine Cellar - Bear Cat
Phoemail: Santa unveiling at Whitcoulls - Queen St - Masked santa
Phoemail: Santa unveiling at Whitcoulls - Queen St - A crowd gathered
Phoemail: Santa unveiling at Whitcoulls - Queen St - Santa & I
Phoemail: Santa unveiling at Whitcoulls - Queen St - Elves carthweeling to unveil Santa
Phoemail: Santa unveiling at Whitcoulls - Queen St - Elves carthweeling to unveil Santa - Tada!
Phoemail: Auckland - Wearing contacts so need a pair of non-prescription sunglasses.. Look what Tracey owns!
Phoemail: Tracey's Birthday - My "birthday" cake for Tracey
Phoemail: Auckland - Fancy dress shop - Real fur, real snout, real claws
Phoemail: Auckland - Fancy dress shop - Real fur, real snout
Phoemail: Tracey's "Where The Wild Things Are" party - Chic new necklace
Phoemail: Auckland - Cheyne's Where The Wild Things Are costume, in the making
Phoemail: Tracey's "Where The Wild Things Are" party - Tracey as Max
Phoemail: Tracey's "Where The Wild Things Are" party - Tracey & Cheyne
Phoemail: Tracey's "Where The Wild Things Are" party - Cheyne's awesome costume
Phoemail: Tracey's "Where The Wild Things Are" party - The cute couple
Phoemail: Tracey's "Where The Wild Things Are" party - Tracey & Cheyne
Phoemail: Tracey's "Where The Wild Things Are" party - Post-party pajamas (on my part)
Phoemail: Tracey's "Where The Wild Things Are" party - Post-party pajamas (on my part)
Phoemail: Auckland - Richmond Road is pretty
Phoemail: Jamie Cullum wannabe
Phoemail: Auckland - North Shore - Hot, hot day
Phoemail: Auckland - New sunglasses!
Phoemail: Auckland - New sunglasses!
Phoemail: Auckland - Responding to Christian's families threats of touching his motorbike
Phoemail: Auckland - Ponsonby Road
Phoemail: Auckland - Ponsonby - Mountains in the background
Phoemail: Auckland - Accidentally weird picture of one of the art galleries
Phoemail: Auckland - K'road - Bridge over the motorway