Phoemail: Philadelphia - Clayton and I outside the Philly cheese steak shop
Phoemail: Philadelphia - Clayton and I outside the Philly cheese steak shop
Phoemail: Philadelphia - Chicken cheesesteak!
Phoemail: Philadelphia - Philly cheese steak, right there
Phoemail: Philadelphia - Philly cheese steak, right there
Phoemail: Philadelphia - Philly cheese steak, ALL GONE!
Phoemail: Philadelphia - We met one of 3OH!3, although at the time we didn't know who they were
Phoemail: Philadelphia - LOVE
Phoemail: Philadelphia - Love and me
Phoemail: Philadelphia
Phoemail: Philadelphia
Phoemail: Philadelphia - Buying a ticket
Phoemail: Philadelphia - Buying a ticket
Phoemail: Philadelphia - Where the constitution was signed
Phoemail: Philadelphia - Where the constitution was signed
Phoemail: Philadelphia - Liberty Bell
Phoemail: Philadelphia
Phoemail: Philadelphia - Deesh and Clayton dancing
Phoemail: Philadelphia - Private party - Deesha & Clayton dancing
Phoemail: Philadelphia - Private party - Deesha & Clayton dancing
Phoemail: Philadelphia - Private party - Deesha & Clayton dancing
Phoemail: Philadelphia - Private party - Deesha & Clayton dancing
Phoemail: Washington DC - Metro Centre
Phoemail: Washington DC - The White House!!!!!!!!!!
Phoemail: Washington DC - The White House!!!!!!!!!!
Phoemail: Washington DC - The White House!!!!!!!!!!
Phoemail: Washington DC - Memorial
Phoemail: Washington DC - Dark moi, white white house
Phoemail: Washington DC - White House
Phoemail: Washington DC - Memorial