Phoemail: In the Eurostar departure lounge
Phoemail: Adele on the train with her olive
Phoemail: Eurostar Snacks - Fizzy stuff and olives
Phoemail: Adele being classy on the Eurostar
Phoemail: Sioban with her espresso
Phoemail: Sioban with her free mini biscuit
Phoemail: Adele with the beret on, in prep for our arrival in Paris
Phoemail: Paris - Outside Printemps
Phoemail: Paris - Outside Printemps
Phoemail: Paris - Galeries Lafayette
Phoemail: Paris - Opera house
Phoemail: Paris - Opera house
Phoemail: Paris - Adele and opera house
Phoemail: Paris - The Ritz
Phoemail: Paris - Blurry obelisk
Phoemail: Paris - obelisk
Phoemail: Paris - Adele
Phoemail: Paris - Obelisk
Phoemail: Paris - Champs-Élysées
Phoemail: Paris - River seine
Phoemail: Paris - One of the galleries with a projected image
Phoemail: Paris - One of the galleries with a projected image
Phoemail: Paris - The amazing art shop - Silver penguin and Adele
Phoemail: Paris - The amazing art shop!
Phoemail: Paris - The amazing art shop - This was stuck on the outside
Phoemail: Paris - Adele's Printemps purchase, yes really!
Phoemail: Paris - Autumn
Phoemail: Paris - You come all this way and end up in a Starbucks
Phoemail: Paris - You come all this way and end up in a Starbucks
Phoemail: Paris - Eiffel Tower - Adele