Phoemail: Dad about to eat the sourest sweet ever
Phoemail: Yes its really that sour
Phoemail: SERIOUSLY sour
Phoemail: SERIOUSLY, seriously sour
Phoemail: The culprit sweet
Phoemail: In my new amazing Abba dress!
Phoemail: Mum trying the sourest sweet ever
Phoemail: Mum trying the sourest sweet ever
Phoemail: No, too sour, it had to be spat out!
Phoemail: MMM IPHONE
Phoemail: Haircut
Phoemail: Bird
Phoemail: No its not a fucking llama its an alpaca!
Phoemail: Baby donkey!
Phoemail: Baby donkey! One week old
Phoemail: The blind spectacle owl
Phoemail: The blind spectacle owl
Phoemail: The blind spectacle owl
Phoemail: Chipmunk
Phoemail: Jay in the animal feed box!
Phoemail: Tortoises
Phoemail: Tortoises
Phoemail: Tortoises
Phoemail: Tortoise
Phoemail: Tortoises
Phoemail: Grass
Phoemail: Cuddling goats
Phoemail: Little donkey
Phoemail: Ducks, running away
Phoemail: The blind spectacle owl