Phoemail: Photo courtesy of Tilke: This was "cream cheese" - cheese and cream made into a soup
Phoemail: Photo courtesy of Tilke: Tilke and Catherine battling it out
Phoemail: Photo courtesy of Andrew: Standing around
Phoemail: Photo courtesy of Andrew: Sioban and I on our rickshaw
Phoemail: Photo courtesy of Andrew: Alberto and Umberto
Phoemail: Photo courtesy of Andrew: Sioban and I
Phoemail: Photo courtesy of Andrea: Looking really knackered after climbing up Sierra Maestra
Phoemail: Photo courtesy of Andrea: Doing the conga
Phoemail: Photo courtesy of Andrea: In the pool playing games like who can hold their breath under water for the longest
Phoemail: Photo courtesy of Andrea: Group shot
Phoemail: Photo courtesy of Andrea: the man with fire in his mouth!