Phoemail: Dave with his new hat
Phoemail: Dave with his new hat - Jazz stance?
Phoemail: Dave with his new hat
Phoemail: Ridiculous hat time!!!!!
Phoemail: Trying out the camera
Phoemail: The old camera
Phoemail: Dave's old camera, on an old fashioned tripod
Phoemail: A camera from the 80s
Phoemail: Old bottles
Phoemail: This feels like a Jim Jarmusch film.
Phoemail: manual focus
Phoemail: y/n?
Phoemail: Prickly
Phoemail: Red flowers?
Phoemail: Self portrait
Phoemail: An assortment of poles, leaning against the shed
Phoemail: Tree ~ I like the light!!
Phoemail: Pigeon [best viewed biggggg!]
Phoemail: Working on a new collage
Phoemail: Dinner for 1