Phoemail: Dave's slippers
Phoemail: Comedy Dave 1#
Phoemail: Comedy Dave 2#
Phoemail: Dave - Profile
Phoemail: Dave, eating a date
Phoemail: Poster
Phoemail: Dusk in Herefordshire suburbia
Phoemail: Sioban's new house
Phoemail: Dave pretending to do some work (he was actually faking)
Phoemail: Dave lying on the futon (without a cover)
Phoemail: Tacky fire place
Phoemail: Putting the futon together
Phoemail: Just Dave
Phoemail: Random
Phoemail: Just Dave 2#
Phoemail: Dave and myself, raving
Phoemail: Laughing A LOT
Phoemail: Cake
Phoemail: Famous earrings
Phoemail: Sofa shopping in NEXT
Phoemail: Sofa shopping in NEXT