Phoemail: Zig's yummy veg bake made on the improv
Phoemail: Zig picking at my bacon
Phoemail: Zig and Casper (that's Pudge's brother)
Phoemail: Stu and Casper (that's Pudge's brother)
Phoemail: Houses
Phoemail: Zig dancing in her dressing gown
Phoemail: The flowers mum bought me!
Phoemail: Original 50's lamp and retro elephants
Phoemail: I looove the elephants
Phoemail: Their cool window
Phoemail: Adele with odd hair
Phoemail: Adele is awesome
Phoemail: Adele is my fave model
Phoemail: Adele is my fave model
Phoemail: Bench lady
Phoemail: Pier ish ness
Phoemail: Adele on a bench doing a very weird face
Phoemail: Disused pier, with the drift wood that fell off that boat
Phoemail: The perfect Adele shot
Phoemail: On another bench
Phoemail: Taking the dog for a drag
Phoemail: Brighton
Phoemail: and they were alll yellloooww
Phoemail: I mainly liked her outfit
Phoemail: THE pointy cone pudding at Due South
Phoemail: Brighton rock parfait!!!!
Phoemail: Me with my amazing Brighton Rock pudding
Phoemail: Zig doing some scarf dancing
Phoemail: Zig doing some scarf dancing