Phoemail: Will and Gitane, at dinner
Phoemail: Becky and me at dinner (with the funky wallpaper)
Phoemail: The three girls
Phoemail: My starter - tomato and basil soup
Phoemail: The nerds being very nerdy
Phoemail: Mum drinking
Phoemail: The turkey main course
Phoemail: My main course - butternut squash something or other
Phoemail: Dad grinning with anticipation at his turkey dinner
Phoemail: Mum anticipating her salmon
Phoemail: Dad eating all the leftovers as ever
Phoemail: Will's pudding - eggnog bruleé
Phoemail: Mum's pudding - Pears with summer fruits
Phoemail: My pudding - three ice creams
Phoemail: Becky trying a Physalis but hating it, haha
Phoemail: Becky trying a Physalis but hating it, haha
Phoemail: Dad with his cheesecake pudding
Phoemail: Attempting a group shot and failing (numerous times)
Phoemail: Attempting a group shot and failing (numerous times)
Phoemail: Attempting a group shot and failing (numerous times)
Phoemail: Under the arch
Phoemail: Chilling at the hotel