Phoemail: Amy picking CJ's nose..
Phoemail: Reindeer!!
Phoemail: Amy feeding a golden Guernsey goat
Phoemail: Amy and an alpaca
Phoemail: Amy and an alpaca (the baby one!)
Phoemail: Donkey petting
Phoemail: Typical hilarious Amy pose
Phoemail: Amy and myself
Phoemail: Pig petting
Phoemail: <3Reindeer
Phoemail: Amy and a tawny owl
Phoemail: hahahahahhahaah x 20 million
Phoemail: Chemical goggles fun...
Phoemail: Chemical goggles fun...
Phoemail: HMM?
Phoemail: Laughter
Phoemail: Being ghetto whilst reading the paper
Phoemail: Amy with my glasses on
Phoemail: Amy's Rhydian impression