Phoemail: Me pretending to put the decorations on the tree - a festive pose - before the ball
Phoemail: Ian and moi
Phoemail: The games room
Phoemail: Blackjack! Yay
Phoemail: Two of Sioban's friends!
Phoemail: Sioban and Tim
Phoemail: Sisters - I'm doing my disco pose, oh yes.
Phoemail: What a disgrace they are
Phoemail: Disco shot
Phoemail: Everybodiess danciinnggg
Phoemail: Sarah, dancing
Phoemail: Little Chris!
Phoemail: John and Vicky
Phoemail: Bond Villains
Phoemail: They'll kill me if they find out I've put this one up here....
Phoemail: Drunken Hugo, on the sofa, feeling a bit ill