Phoemail: Tree
Phoemail: Tree, in the dining room
Phoemail: Christmas Eve - Mucking about, pretending to be an elf or something
Phoemail: Christmas Eve - Mucking about, pretending to be an elf or something
Phoemail: Sapphire and the Christmas elf
Phoemail: Sapphire and the Christmas elf
Phoemail: The ginger bread house Sioban and I made
Phoemail: Gingerbread house!
Phoemail: Gingerbread house!
Phoemail: The Christmas cake before it was iced
Phoemail: Sioban putting marzipan on the cake
Phoemail: The marzipan cake
Phoemail: Dad and Dave in some jackets Dad discovered in his wardrobe
Phoemail: Dave's chrimbo/birthday pressie to me!
Phoemail: I got in a map mood so I finally got out my India map and plotted my path!
Phoemail: Christmas presents from Adele!!
Phoemail: Opening our stockings and pressies around the table
Phoemail: Sioban with her new showercap
Phoemail: Dave was very happy about his new jester slippers
Phoemail: Dad with his new table football
Phoemail: Around the table playing with their toys
Phoemail: Carnage!
Phoemail: Holy toast! Looks better on white bread but it is Mary
Phoemail: Dave in his new slippers
Phoemail: New bag off Mother and Father
Phoemail: More Chrimbo pressies
Phoemail: Amazing weekend bag from Sally
Phoemail: The back of the amazing weekend bag from Sally
Phoemail: Our tagine
Phoemail: Christmas dinner