Phoemail: A baby owlets beak
Phoemail: An owlet in its box
Phoemail: Goat and Linda
Phoemail: A red squirrel
Phoemail: Pygmy goats favourite food..
Phoemail: Owlie
Phoemail: Aww. Huddling..
Phoemail: Mice!!
Phoemail: A chipmunk (best chipmunk shot I've ever achieved through bars)
Phoemail: A red squirrel hiding and munching
Phoemail: Baby red squirrel!
Phoemail: A red squirrel with black colouring
Phoemail: Digger - A burrowing owl
Phoemail: Grizzly the very fluffy owlet
Phoemail: Grizzly the not-so-baby owlet
Phoemail: Chewing my leg
Phoemail: Missy running towards me (about to eat me)
Phoemail: Missy looking at me
Phoemail: Missy in the field
Phoemail: Missy eating my zip
Phoemail: Chipmunk
Phoemail: Red squirrel
Phoemail: Red squirrel
Phoemail: Red squirrel
Phoemail: Red squirrel
Phoemail: Red squirrel digging for pine cones
Phoemail: Red squirrel gnawing on a pine cone
Phoemail: Red squirrel gnawing on a pine cone
Phoemail: Red squirrel gnawing on a pine cone
Phoemail: Red squirrel