Phoemail: A lot of ivy, along the river
Phoemail: The water feature at my favourite little square to sit at in Berlin
Phoemail: Berlin Cathedral!
Phoemail: Berlin Cathedral
Phoemail: Berlin Cathedral and it's water feature
Phoemail: The TV tower behind the cathedral
Phoemail: Berlin Cathedral
Phoemail: One of the museums beside Berlin Cathedral, on Museum Island
Phoemail: The bit that's left of one of the previous museums, haha
Phoemail: A building beside the Pergamon museum
Phoemail: A street in Berlin - near one of my favourite places to have a cup of tea
Phoemail: The river
Phoemail: Obvious (and hilarious) rules in the Berlin hostel
Phoemail: On a tissue dispenser in a toilet, haha
Phoemail: The entrance to Berlin Catherdral
Phoemail: Inside the cathedral!
Phoemail: The altar
Phoemail: The incredible ceiling
Phoemail: The podium
Phoemail: The archway
Phoemail: The massive organ
Phoemail: The altar from the centre
Phoemail: A window in the ceiling
Phoemail: The view from the viewing gallery in Berlin cathedral/the TV tower
Phoemail: Berlin city skyline
Phoemail: Berlin city skyline
Phoemail: Berlin city skyline
Phoemail: The river/Berlin city skyline
Phoemail: Berlin city skyline and part of one the cathedral dome
Phoemail: The view down below