Phoemail: A delicious bit of apple pie
Phoemail: A church in Valkenburg
Phoemail: A church in Valkenburg
Phoemail: A church in Valkenburg
Phoemail: The classic dog poo bin - "Depo Dog", so catchy
Phoemail: Valkenburg - Still had some Christmas decorations up
Phoemail: Valkenburg
Phoemail: Valkenburg
Phoemail: The the type of stone thats local to Valkenburg
Phoemail: A man wearing orange trousers, why????
Phoemail: Valkenburg
Phoemail: The river in Valkenburg
Phoemail: The river in Valkenburg
Phoemail: Me looking very blue in Valkenburg, by the river
Phoemail: Hema - the ultimate in Dutch shopping
Phoemail: Linda's Mum's boyfriend eating a raw herring with onions, apparently a traditional Dutch thing
Phoemail: Linda's Mum's boyfriend eating a raw herring with onions, apparently a traditional Dutch thing
Phoemail: My absolute favourite Dutch supermarket - Albert Heijn
Phoemail: My first experience of a PROPER Dutch windmill!
Phoemail: Moi with the windmill
Phoemail: Linda with a specimen of her native country