Phoemail: Pre India reunion at Jays: Margaret at Skenfrith castle
Phoemail: Kaz on the electric violin
Phoemail: Captive audience of Hannah, Gitáne and Richard
Phoemail: Jay faffing with the electric violin peddle
Phoemail: Having a sing-a-long around the piano
Phoemail: Kaz drinking, whilst playing the piano
Phoemail: Hannah and Jay
Phoemail: Kaz and Margaret dancing
Phoemail: Kaz and Margaret dancing
Phoemail: Kaz and Margaret dancing
Phoemail: Kaz, doing the funniest drunk pose ever
Phoemail: Kaz, Hannah and Jay
Phoemail: Margaret and [the back of] Kaz, gossiping!
Phoemail: Richard, Hannah and Jay
Phoemail: My Good Day biscuits which were off, I think..
Phoemail: The centre of Kaz's orange biscuit
Phoemail: Margaret - the official orange biscuit lady
Phoemail: The four of us enjoying my home brewed chai - just what you need after a nights partying..
Phoemail: Hannah playing the spoons
Phoemail: Kaz and Hannah peering into the box of the tortoise
Phoemail: Kaz playing with a snake..
Phoemail: Hannah and Kaz getting down with the goats
Phoemail: Hannah and the pregnant pygmy goat
Phoemail: Kaz trying to pick a ginger bread man