Phoemail: Classic randomness in Adele's bedroom
Phoemail: Adele wearing her Mums old snoopy jumper, original 80s glamour
Phoemail: Another one of Adele's perv faces, you must also imagine the "MMM" noise
Phoemail: Laughing on the garden fence
Phoemail: McDonalds in the park - sweet chilli chicken!
Phoemail: There's little point in removing the cup from the cup holder..
Phoemail: Adele with her ice cream that she nearly dropped (when it was fresh out of the packet)
Phoemail: Tunch in Kensington - Adele not being impressed, but laughing
Phoemail: Like mother like daughter, on the train home from London
Phoemail: Easter Sunday, cracking open a fit egg
Phoemail: Easter Sunday evening snack - Chips and Adele's Keira Knightley impression
Phoemail: Adele's Mum going "I LOVE GARLIC BREAD" as she crushes garlic. Hilarious
Phoemail: Waiting at the bus stop
Phoemail: New t-shirt and shorts, not very flattering, but nevermind
Phoemail: Brother and sister sunbathing
Phoemail: Poser
Phoemail: Classic "F OFF" pic
Phoemail: Your so vain, you probably think this song is about you (my anthem for Adele)
Phoemail: Pouty pout (but I like the light on this shot)
Phoemail: Elliot with Vicky Pollard jewelry on, love him
Phoemail: Mental. Totally bloody mental.
Phoemail: Chelmsford. Apparently the place where Gordy Ramsey went on Kitchen Nightmares
Phoemail: Elliot beatboxing and Adele look v.unimpressed
Phoemail: Adele being a small child
Phoemail: Garden poser
Phoemail: Garden poser falls over, classic
Phoemail: Stroppy garden poser
Phoemail: Irn Bru bitch