Phoemail: On the piano
Phoemail: This shirt doesn't stay on for long
Phoemail: The green t-shirt is actually Rory's..
Phoemail: "the tall one with the auburn hair"
Phoemail: Groan..
Phoemail: Wiggle
Phoemail: Spaz
Phoemail: With a piano scarf someone chucked on stage
Phoemail: With a piano scarf someone chucked on stage
Phoemail: A dark Tom Richards
Phoemail: Jamie and Tom
Phoemail: Jamie's piano solo
Phoemail: Piano solooo
Phoemail: Piano solooo
Phoemail: Rory's solo
Phoemail: Tom watching Rory (you can see Rory on the screen!)
Phoemail: Rory's solo was very saxy
Phoemail: Jamie talking to the audience
Phoemail: Jamie talking to the audience
Phoemail: The spotlight is on Cullum
Phoemail: Just Jamie
Phoemail: Just Jamie
Phoemail: So take a trip to My Yard..
Phoemail: Don't you know that the grass is greener on the other side
Phoemail: Don't you know the love you've been dreaming of is mine
Phoemail: More groaning, perhaps
Phoemail: Lots of mobile phones in the air
Phoemail: On the piano
Phoemail: Dancing on the piano
Phoemail: Preparing to jump off the piano