Phoemail: One of the best meals eaten in Holland
Phoemail: Food is art
Phoemail: Adele cutting her birthday cake
Phoemail: We are a Pomegreat obsessed household
Phoemail: Lunch @ All Saints - My salad on the left and Femke's toastie on the right
Phoemail: Coffee and chocolate brownie!
Phoemail: Scone mixture!!!
Phoemail: Scones!
Phoemail: Linda cooking potatoes/homemade chips
Phoemail: Linda's sauté potatoes
Phoemail: Lots to eat in the chip shop; chips and 2 battered sausages
Phoemail: Femke's meal
Phoemail: mmm Starbucks
Phoemail: Cinnamon and nutella cake
Phoemail: Chocolate sprinkles on bread
Phoemail: The chinese restaurant - Wok style
Phoemail: A typical Dutch breakfast
Phoemail: Dutch milk/melk! I love the cows.
Phoemail: Me and the happy spice man - I love him!
Phoemail: Stroopwafel ice cream
Phoemail: My absolute favourite Dutch meal, cooked by Linda
Phoemail: Eating another traditional Dutch meal called zuurvlees (thats the brown stuff, obviously)
Phoemail: Me with the big tub of Haribo Smurfs that I just HAD to buy
Phoemail: A delicious bit of apple pie
Phoemail: Linda's Mum's boyfriend eating a raw herring with onions, apparently a traditional Dutch thing
Phoemail: Linda with our intermezzo ice cream
Phoemail: Me with my dinner which I actually did eat with chopsticks!
Phoemail: Mmm Big Mac!
Phoemail: Me with my box of Belgium chocolates
Phoemail: An incredible bit of apple pie that I ate at the university cafe