Phoemail: Lunch @ All Saints - My salad on the left and Femke's toastie on the right
Phoemail: Femke laughing at me in the church
Phoemail: Femke finally chucking away her cigarettes, in Hereford
Phoemail: Femke finally chucking away her cigarettes!
Phoemail: Goodbye cigarettes!
Phoemail: Femke crying at Photograph - Wiping the tears
Phoemail: Femke crying at Photograph, but laughing..
Phoemail: Femke watching Jamie
Phoemail: Femke crying at Photograph
Phoemail: Fem being perverse taking pics of me in my towel
Phoemail: Femke in the kebab shop
Phoemail: In the kebab shop
Phoemail: Mum and Phoebe in kebab shop
Phoemail: Fem and me spazzing
Phoemail: Femke in Coffee 1#
Phoemail: Coffee and chocolate brownie!
Phoemail: Femke in the coffee shop
Phoemail: Mum drinking coffee in Coffee 1#
Phoemail: Mmm scones
Phoemail: Scone mixture!!!
Phoemail: Scones!
Phoemail: Peekaboo
Phoemail: EMO fringe
Phoemail: Femke and Dad.. Spazzing
Phoemail: Phoebe on her beanbag
Phoemail: At my computer
Phoemail: Femke and CJ