Phoemail: Sapphire sniffing the camera
Phoemail: Pudgie looking fat (when really its just the fur)
Phoemail: Sapphire on the stairs
Phoemail: Sapphire sitting on my futon
Phoemail: Looking up adoringly at me
Phoemail: Sapphire on the stone round table in the garden
Phoemail: Pudgie
Phoemail: Sapphire yawning in the garden
Phoemail: Posing
Phoemail: Pudgie in the garden
Phoemail: Posing, definitely posing
Phoemail: Pudge and Sapphire being friendly to eachother
Phoemail: Pudgie yawning (and Sapphire is frightened!)
Phoemail: Chilling in the sunshine
Phoemail: Sapphire wondering why I am taking pictures of her
Phoemail: Sapphire cleaning herself
Phoemail: Sapphire looking innocent, lying on the lawn
Phoemail: Sapphire and Pudgey being friendly (on another day)
Phoemail: Pudge napping on his paw
Phoemail: Pudge poised
Phoemail: Sapphire in the garden, on a very green lawn
Phoemail: Sapphire being disinterested
Phoemail: Yawning - soft focus or blurry? You decide.
Phoemail: Flat ears
Phoemail: Sapphire being poised
Phoemail: Sapphire being poised
Phoemail: Sapphire & Pudge being poised
Phoemail: Sapphire in the garden - frowning at me
Phoemail: Sapphire in the garden
Phoemail: Sapphire in the garden