Phoemail: The birthday girl..
Phoemail: Opening cards
Phoemail: Having a spaz, opening pressies
Phoemail: A real watering can!
Phoemail: New watering can handbag
Phoemail: Adele spazzing over the 2nd duck of the day
Phoemail: Adele's two new duckies!
Phoemail: Adele and Elliot, her brother
Phoemail: Opening her baby sheepie
Phoemail: Adele cradling her baby sheepie, which snores
Phoemail: Looking up, talking to her Mum
Phoemail: My present from Sue
Phoemail: Adele and her new born baby sheepie
Phoemail: Magnets attach themselves to Elliot's new braces
Phoemail: Dose of strawberry ribena
Phoemail: Phoebe on the train
Phoemail: Adele at Westminster
Phoemail: The P's in London
Phoemail: Gel implants
Phoemail: Adele and the big bird (i.e. pelican)
Phoemail: Adele and the guard
Phoemail: Adele and Ben
Phoemail: Adele being British
Phoemail: Trying to climb up the monuments but failing
Phoemail: By the fountain! Pre paddling
Phoemail: Adele goes in for the paddle first
Phoemail: Paddling!
Phoemail: Phoebe looking like a complete idiot
Phoemail: Another spaz hair pic
Phoemail: IMG_5503.jpg