phoebe reid: far away
phoebe reid: storybook endings
phoebe reid: in the mountains
phoebe reid: in the springtime
phoebe reid: the city she loves me
phoebe reid: there're things I might have said
phoebe reid: and though you want to last forever
phoebe reid: whatever happened to baby jane?
phoebe reid: truth and imagination
phoebe reid: Hush...Hush, Sweet Charlotte
phoebe reid: sail on down the line
phoebe reid: water and dust
phoebe reid: songbird sweet
phoebe reid: wake me up if I should drift away
phoebe reid: sometimes it's hard to tell
phoebe reid: there is a magic in that little world
phoebe reid: can bring me a glass of red wine,
phoebe reid: colour my life with the chaos of trouble
phoebe reid: all the colors will bleed into one
phoebe reid: when I was a child I caught a fleeting glimpse
phoebe reid: the sun is the same in a relative way, but you're older
phoebe reid: a bitter pill to swallow
phoebe reid: what tender days
phoebe reid: run for the shadows
phoebe reid: well she's walking through the clouds
phoebe reid: I digress...
phoebe reid: used to dance in the garden
phoebe reid: how they dance in the courtyard
phoebe reid: lazy days