phoca2004: Bass Harbor Head Lighthouse
phoca2004: The Chester Hadlyme Ferry
phoca2004: Bartlett Island
phoca2004: Bass Harbor Detail
phoca2004: Nancy & Jamie
phoca2004: Watch Hill Lighthouse
phoca2004: Breeze
phoca2004: Bluster
phoca2004: Placid
phoca2004: Draken Harald Hårfagre
phoca2004: Breck Marshall
phoca2004: TS Joseph Conrad
phoca2004: Carl
phoca2004: Direction
phoca2004: NOAA Ship Reuben Lasker docked on SF Waterfront
phoca2004: Guilford Harbor Entrance
phoca2004: Breaking for lunch
phoca2004: Paddling toward Mt. Tamalpais
phoca2004: Got Mud?
phoca2004: Volunteers mesmerized by a pair of Peregrines taking down a Marbled Godwit
phoca2004: Pre-launch awkward selfie
phoca2004: NOAA Rainier Shipmates
phoca2004: Leaving Juneau
phoca2004: Survey Tech Stevedores
phoca2004: Constrained Perspective
phoca2004: Serpentine Fog
phoca2004: Golden Gate Straights at Sunset
phoca2004: Golden Gate Straight Historic Fog Signal Building
phoca2004: phoca2004-0010.jpg
phoca2004: Oakland Middle Harbor