phoca2004: I'm unaccustomed to early mornings...
phoca2004: Great Egret
phoca2004: Common Yellowthroat
phoca2004: Allen's Hummingbird
phoca2004: There's Nothing Wrong...
phoca2004: Black Mountain
phoca2004: Inverness Idyll
phoca2004: Say's Phoebe
phoca2004: Brown Pelicans in flight
phoca2004: Greater Yellowlegs
phoca2004: Tule Elk
phoca2004: Pelagic Cormorant
phoca2004: Tule Elk
phoca2004: Brandt's Cormorant
phoca2004: Coyote
phoca2004: Sonoma Chipmunk
phoca2004: Black Mountain
phoca2004: Point Reyes and Tomales Bay from Giacomini Ranch road
phoca2004: Outer Point Reyes Peninsula
phoca2004: Drakes Bay and Estero de Limantour
phoca2004: Black Mountain
phoca2004: Checkerbloom
phoca2004: Sticky Monkeyflower
phoca2004: Miniature Lupine
phoca2004: Goldfields
phoca2004: Tomales Point Looking Northward
phoca2004: Cream Cups
phoca2004: Wallflower
phoca2004: Cobweb Thistle
phoca2004: Tule Elk