3rd Coast Chick:
weather radio
3rd Coast Chick:
art deco guts revealed
3rd Coast Chick:
sun sets behind shipley
3rd Coast Chick:
time to make the donuts? not yet
3rd Coast Chick:
bored storekeep
3rd Coast Chick:
big ol' mess
3rd Coast Chick:
neatly bagged for pickup
3rd Coast Chick:
generator power neon
3rd Coast Chick:
tall tree down
3rd Coast Chick:
Shell debris
3rd Coast Chick:
baby trees
3rd Coast Chick:
Ike's doings
3rd Coast Chick:
trees down in median
3rd Coast Chick:
median trees fell
3rd Coast Chick:
strong oak did not fall
3rd Coast Chick:
Porch cat survived!
3rd Coast Chick:
another tree down
3rd Coast Chick:
partial ceiling collapse
3rd Coast Chick:
partial ceiling collapse
3rd Coast Chick:
bug in the house
3rd Coast Chick:
Trees down
3rd Coast Chick:
3rd Coast Chick: