3rd Coast Chick:
Pregame parade
3rd Coast Chick:
3rd Coast Chick:
3rd Coast Chick:
Front row
3rd Coast Chick:
On the run
3rd Coast Chick:
Halftime tradition
3rd Coast Chick:
3rd Coast Chick:
Fashion forward
3rd Coast Chick:
The bourgeoisie & their pets
3rd Coast Chick:
Back to the game
3rd Coast Chick:
Team USA
3rd Coast Chick:
3rd Coast Chick:
Time Out
3rd Coast Chick:
Back in the saddle
3rd Coast Chick:
3rd Coast Chick:
Big Sky at Polo
3rd Coast Chick:
Victory lap
3rd Coast Chick:
Receiving line
3rd Coast Chick:
Chilena ganadora
3rd Coast Chick:
High Fives
3rd Coast Chick:
Popped the cork
3rd Coast Chick:
Never too young
3rd Coast Chick:
Newport polo action
3rd Coast Chick:
Chasing the ball
3rd Coast Chick:
Food & friends
3rd Coast Chick:
Champagne scene
3rd Coast Chick:
3rd Coast Chick:
One more bubbly
3rd Coast Chick:
Cookies in the sky
3rd Coast Chick:
Pink Pants at polo