phlewght: Saturated in Backstage Light
phlewght: Closing the Play
phlewght: Contemplating the Final Entrance
phlewght: Contemplating the Final Entrance [original JPEG]
phlewght: [And up from the pixelated darkness comes something good.]
phlewght: Henry, you'd be more menacing if you weren't drawing your sword while sitting down!
phlewght: The Blurry Happy King and the Candlestick
phlewght: Backstage with Henry II
phlewght: Watching the Monitor; Ready to Light
phlewght: Alais Lights the Candle
phlewght: Alais is such a card!
phlewght: Hold for blackout, then go! [alternate version]
phlewght: Hold for blackout, then go! [cropped]
phlewght: ONE: Henry Howls at the Edge of Night
phlewght: TWO: Lights begin to drop...
phlewght: THREE: ...hold for blackout, then go!
phlewght: "Now sister, don't look at me like that! Just because I have no pity for you."
phlewght: Getting Ready
phlewght: Silhouette of Dennis, Act 1, scene 2
phlewght: Tweaking the Castle
phlewght: Alais Has Something in Her Eye 1
phlewght: Alais Has Something in Her Eye 2
phlewght: Alais Has Something in Her Eye 3
phlewght: Alais Has Something in Her Eye 4
phlewght: Alais Has Something in Her Eye 5
phlewght: Alais Has Something in Her Eye 6 (Had)
phlewght: In the end, theirs is ... an interesting love affair.
phlewght: Philip listens to Henry, readying a terse response.
phlewght: "Have you got an offer?" [Phil's gotta make Hank look like a fool in at least one still.]
phlewght: Philip has little pity for Alais.