phlewght: And by ramping up the shadows, we find our director.
phlewght: Lighting Work [2-sec. exposure]
phlewght: Lighting Work; Our Director and His iPhone
phlewght: A Good Woman, 'A Few Good Men', and a Bad One: the Doctor Testifies
phlewght: Cpl. Howard on the Stand
phlewght: Cpl. Howard Re-direct: "Lt. Kaffee, that's not in this book, sir."
phlewght: Lt. Kendrick on the Stand: Kaffee Reacts to Ross
phlewght: Lt. Kendrick Testifies: "He disobeyed an order."
phlewght: "Dawson and Downey! We work for Dawson and Downey!"
phlewght: Ross Grills Pfc. Downey
phlewght: Cpl. Dawson: "Hep! [pause] Private! Answer the Lieutenant's question!"
phlewght: Pfc. Downey at Attention
phlewght: Pfc. Downey: "Yes, Lieutenant. I was given an order. By my squad leader, ..." [1 of 2]
phlewght: "...Lance Corporal Harold W. Dawson of the U.S. Marine Corps. And I followed it." [2 of 2]
phlewght: "But not to Commander Galloway."
phlewght: "...And she was gonna get an answer. And she was confident. And she was relentless. And she did her job."
phlewght: Outtake: "...Donnelly." "Downey." "Downey."
phlewght: Lt. Col. Nathan R. Jessep Is Sworn In
phlewght: Outtake: Jessep Sees the Court Photographer
phlewght: [transfer order for Pfc. Santiago, I think]
phlewght: "Danny, don't look so glum. ..."
phlewght: "... What is it you people say? 'Live to fight another time[?]' "
phlewght: Ross and Judge Randolph yell at the same time; Jessep is amused at the dressing-down of Kaffee
phlewght: Nailing Jessep with the Andrews AFB Log
phlewght: "You ordered the Code Red." "Yes."