phlewght: At Water's Edge
phlewght: I'm Taking Your Perch [-1 of 4] :)
phlewght: I'm Taking Your Perch [2 of 4]
phlewght: I'm Taking Your Perch [1 of 4]
phlewght: I'm Taking Your Perch [3 of 4]
phlewght: I'm Taking Your Perch [4 of 4]
phlewght: On the Rocks 1
phlewght: On the Rocks 2
phlewght: Taking the Binoculars
phlewght: Polyandry?
phlewght: "Wait! Don't take a picture yet!"
phlewght: He tosses the rock.
phlewght: Happy Plunking 1
phlewght: Happy Plunking 2
phlewght: As the Crow Flies
phlewght: Crow says to Eagle, "Pssst...hey! Hey, buddy! Got any food you don't want?"
phlewght: Crooked Beak
phlewght: I had bothered him enough (standing behind him)