phlewght: 4th F-16C
phlewght: 3rd F-16C
phlewght: Air Force One Flyover @ 4,000 feet (1300m) [PSE 'auto levels']
phlewght: Air Force One Flyover @ 4,000 feet (1300m)
phlewght: Air Force One Flyover @ 4,000 feet (1300m) [original]
phlewght: Maybe it's time to dust. (1)
phlewght: Maybe it's time to dust. (2)
phlewght: Maybe it's time to dust. (3)
phlewght: Maybe it's time to dust. (4)
phlewght: Airbus A330: Crosswind Traffic Day
phlewght: UPS Airbus A300F freight aircraft
phlewght: Northwest Airlines Boeing 757-300, old livery
phlewght: Northwest Airlines Boeing 757-300, new livery
phlewght: Icelandair Boeing 757-200
phlewght: Airbus A330-323 @ 300mm from my backyard
phlewght: [1 of 2] An Airbus A330 @ 240mm morphs into...
phlewght: [2 of 2] Airbus A319 @ 300mm!
phlewght: So I was minding my own business taking a shot of these clouds between planes...
phlewght: ...when what should appear but an Northwest A320 doing a flyover. (That's my roof.)
phlewght: Or a near-flyover -- if it weren't directly over part of my house...
phlewght: was certainly over the street in front of my house!
phlewght: All the other aircraft were doing fly-bys a block or two SE of the house.
phlewght: There must have been some newbie at the controls or something, ...
phlewght: ...'cause this one had to bank left over our house to get lined up properly.
phlewght: The ship is only 4 or 5 miles out and she's not lined up correctly with MSP's Runway 4/22.
phlewght: 4/22 is known as the Crosswind Runway at MSP...
phlewght: ...and boy, were we ever having crosswinds today!
phlewght: The parallel runways 12L/30R and 12R/30L were out of commission much of the day, because typical prevailing winds were absent, replaced by fierce crosswinds.
phlewght: "Newbie" had probably never landed on 4/22 before, but s/he got her lined up right! A320s only use 4/22 when there are high crosswind conditions at MSP, like today.