phlewght: Waiting to board for the flight to Miami -- the start of the trip to Key West, Florida
phlewght: McDonald's Counter, MSP
phlewght: A Northwest Boeing 757-300 (old livery) waits for a Northwest Boeing 757-200 (new livery) to cross its path
phlewght: The 757-300 is on the move again for take-off as the 757-200 parks at gate G16
phlewght: Saint K, looking unto the Lord for safe deliverance? Or Miss K, looking at the overhead panel?
phlewght: Concentration Technique
phlewght: "Hi, C!" "Huh?"
phlewght: C and H, Ready for Take-off
phlewght: K at Take-off: "We're flying! We're flyyyyying!!"
phlewght: Settling in to Read
phlewght: Unconscious Tongue (1 of 4)
phlewght: She Stops (2 of 4)
phlewght: She Smiles (3 of 4)
phlewght: Conscious Tongue (4 of 4)
phlewght: Finger-tapping on Her Armrests
phlewght: Bags and Shoe
phlewght: Goin' Shoeless
phlewght: Dinosaur Stickers
phlewght: Doing 4 pages of math homework early, ...
phlewght: ... then on to a coloring book.
phlewght: Lavatory Door (Detail)
phlewght: From the Aisle at Row 22
phlewght: $7 in Snacks, including some "Gouda-style pasteurized processed cheese food"
phlewght: Tray-table Boy and Sunshade Girl 1
phlewght: Tray-table Boy and Sunshade Girl 2
phlewght: Tray-table Boy and Sunshade Girl 3
phlewght: iPod Girl 1
phlewght: iPod Girl 2
phlewght: Thunderstorm a-Brewin': Approaching Miami - MIA
phlewght: A Bit of the Everglades, on Approach to Miami - MIA