phlewght: 1944 Mercury Dime, Obverse
phlewght: 1944 Mercury Dime, Reverse
phlewght: Motion-blur Reverse
phlewght: Reverse DoF
phlewght: Obverse DoF
phlewght: as time wound on
phlewght: time gone by
phlewght: clouded by time's scars
phlewght: Twenty-three Past
phlewght: Twenty-three Past (alternate)
phlewght: I don't think that's going to buff out....
phlewght: Turn Away and Go
phlewght: End 1
phlewght: "Use the silence – God is a friend of silence."
phlewght: Deck Rail and Screws
phlewght: Opposite Colors
phlewght: Spin
phlewght: New Web Master
phlewght: 10mm Macro 1: Corners of the Living Room
phlewght: 10mm Macro 2: Wha' Chyou Loo'in A'?!
phlewght: 10mm Macro 4
phlewght: 10mm Macro 5
phlewght: 10mm Macro 6
phlewght: Mayfly: A Strange Critter