PhineasX: Refugee 169
PhineasX: Hey, Internet. You better just get used to this bullshit and be glad I'm never having babies.
PhineasX: Home
PhineasX: First Caturday.
PhineasX: Gray on gray
PhineasX: Maybe I hadn't mentioned but I got a cat yesterday. His name is Gulley Jimson. This is what he looks like upside down. #cat
PhineasX: "Dude, is this seriously *all* you do?"
PhineasX: Vet Visit
PhineasX: Emo
PhineasX: 7 Pounds of Fuzzy Rampage
PhineasX: Is this staring bothering you at all?
PhineasX: Why, yes, I *am* rather magnificent
PhineasX: I'm Helping
PhineasX: Porn
PhineasX: "Are you ever going to stop pointing that thing at me?"
PhineasX: "You are impinging on my sink time."
PhineasX: Handsome. Weird.
PhineasX: Sink Stopper
PhineasX: Paw
PhineasX: Grr Face
PhineasX: Shower Lurk
PhineasX: The Look
PhineasX: Tub Time
PhineasX: Unamused
PhineasX: Sink Nap
PhineasX: Half a sink worth of cat
PhineasX: The GulleyBeast. The last thing you see before you get some moderate scratches.