phil w.: Bergen alleyway
phil w.: Bergen pano
phil w.: Bergen pano2
phil w.: Bergen Stores
phil w.: Stave church
phil w.: Church interior
phil w.: Hanseatic houses
phil w.: Bergen alleyway
phil w.: Waterfall
phil w.: Utne cabins
phil w.: Village pano
phil w.: Common Gull2
phil w.: Common Gull
phil w.: Statue and Black-headed Gull
phil w.: Sculpture
phil w.: Fjord
phil w.: Becky and Phil arrive in Svalbard
phil w.: Svalbard Cemetery
phil w.: Northern Fulmar
phil w.: Ship pano1
phil w.: National Geo Explorer
phil w.: Black-legged Kittiwake
phil w.: Arctic Tern
phil w.: Red Phalaropes
phil w.: Polar Bear jumping1
phil w.: PolarBear 2