phil8562: 2 Great Tits and a Blue Tit
phil8562: Great Tit with wings spread
phil8562: 2 Great Tits on the feeder
phil8562: 2 Green Tits
phil8562: Robin
phil8562: Robin
phil8562: Robin on fence
phil8562: Great tit on feeder
phil8562: Great tits on feeder
phil8562: Starling on feeder
phil8562: Starling on feeder with wings streaching
phil8562: 2 starlings on feeder
phil8562: Starlings in a flap
phil8562: Starlings on feeder
phil8562: Starlings
phil8562: Starlings on bird feeder
phil8562: Grey Squirrel
phil8562: Grey Squirrel
phil8562: Robin
phil8562: Redpoll
phil8562: Dunnock
phil8562: Blue Tit
phil8562: Redpolls
phil8562: Coal Tit
phil8562: Redpoll feeding
phil8562: Coal Tit
phil8562: Robin
phil8562: Robin
phil8562: Redpoll
phil8562: Redpolls