Phil Ross: Motophoria model
Phil Ross: What's he up to now?
Phil Ross: 555's latest victim
Phil Ross: Curtis' bike
Phil Ross: Cap'n Rooster
Phil Ross: DSCN3494.JPG
Phil Ross: Curtis lights up the night
Phil Ross: The Evil Routemeister
Phil Ross: DSCN3539.JPG
Phil Ross: Don and Bandit
Phil Ross: Ben, Bernie, Tanya
Phil Ross: Joey being Joey
Phil Ross: DSCN3543.JPG
Phil Ross: DSCN3544.JPG
Phil Ross: Jack in the Bucket
Phil Ross: KB at the Church of Speed
Phil Ross: KB at Hawk's Nest
Phil Ross: Under the bridge
Phil Ross: New River Gorge NHP
Phil Ross: New River Gorge
Phil Ross: Thurmond, West Virginia