philou.61: Weisssee I
philou.61: Weisssee II
philou.61: Das Euter / The Udder
philou.61: Holzschatten / Wooden shadow I
philou.61: Holzschatten / Wooden shadow II
philou.61: Holzschatten / Wooden shadow III
philou.61: Pfoten weg / Hands off
philou.61: INRI
philou.61: Der blaue Container / The blue container
philou.61: Schlafgondeln / Sleeping gondola
philou.61: Wintersport / Winter sports I
philou.61: Kobelco II
philou.61: Kobelco I
philou.61: Wintersport / Winter sports II
philou.61: Schneedecke / Snow mantle II
philou.61: Sonnendeck / Sun deck
philou.61: Schneedecke / Snow mantle I
philou.61: Bibiland I
philou.61: Alpiner Elefant / Alpine elefant
philou.61: Moosstein / Moss stone
philou.61: Martyrium / Martyrdom
philou.61: Stairway to heaven
philou.61: UWS 47
philou.61: Violette Schubkarre / Purple barrow