Victor Von Dooom: "Gathering the knives" 74/365
Victor Von Dooom: "Are these all of them?" 75/365
Victor Von Dooom: "Which to choose?" 76/325
Victor Von Dooom: "Is this one dull?" 77/365
Victor Von Dooom: "Doesn't feel too dull." 78/365
Victor Von Dooom: "Missed a spot." 79/365
Victor Von Dooom: " thing I won't miss is your jugular." 80/365
Victor Von Dooom: "I've been expecting you." 81/365
Victor Von Dooom: "There was shaking...and then it stopped." 82/365
Victor Von Dooom: "There's nothing more erotic than wiping your knife clean." 83/365
Victor Von Dooom: Clark Kent. 86/365