Phil McIver:
After bathing
Phil McIver:
Blackbird in the bath
Phil McIver:
On guard
Phil McIver:
It's a coot's life
Phil McIver:
Phil McIver:
Feeding young coots
Phil McIver:
Fat-ball feast
Phil McIver:
Enjoying the sunshine
Phil McIver:
Fear of flying
Phil McIver:
Fieldfare's fruity feast
Phil McIver:
Dunnock preening
Phil McIver:
Breakfast time
Phil McIver:
Eat, drink and be merry
Phil McIver:
Birds in action
Phil McIver:
Zebra finch
Phil McIver:
Peafowl in the park
Phil McIver:
A woodpigeon on its nest
Phil McIver:
A woodpigeons' nest
Phil McIver:
One swallow
Phil McIver:
Fat-ball feast
Phil McIver:
Disappearing act
Phil McIver:
A loving couple
Phil McIver:
Pheasant's crow
Phil McIver:
Juvenile great spotted woodpecker