philmarq: Polly wants ...
philmarq: Polly's happy ...
philmarq: Rainbow Lorikeet (2)
philmarq: rainbow lorikeet
philmarq: Loirkeet
philmarq: I know there's food in that cup...gimme!
philmarq: I know... I'm a pretty bird
philmarq: Crowned Crane
philmarq: this IS my good side
philmarq: spoonbill something or other
philmarq: lawn ornaments
philmarq: Do these feathers make my butt look big?
philmarq: A little turtle for lunch
philmarq: Blue Heron
philmarq: Blue Heron
philmarq: Around Vero Beach-3
philmarq: Pelican
philmarq: Around Vero Beach-4
philmarq: Pigeon on bench
philmarq: You go your way, I'll go mine
philmarq: In the tree top
philmarq: Avian version of the 'drive thru'
philmarq: You lookin' at me?
philmarq: Blow dryer anyone? ...anyone?
philmarq: Duck duck no goose
philmarq: Duck duck too
philmarq: bald eagles
philmarq: Osprey 2
philmarq: Osprey 1
philmarq: Osprey 3