Phillip Cochrane: It’s a sign (with a fossil on top).
Phillip Cochrane: Patē or Schefflera digitata
Phillip Cochrane: Track markers
Phillip Cochrane: Tūī Prosthemadera novaeseelandiae ssp. novaeseelandiae
Phillip Cochrane: Mustelid trap (stoat). Nelson Forest and Bird.
Phillip Cochrane: The ground and rata flowers
Phillip Cochrane: Probably Brachyglottis lagopus
Phillip Cochrane: Richard, more like
Phillip Cochrane: Ragwort and biocontrol agent Cinnabar moth caterpillar (Tyria jacobaeae)
Phillip Cochrane: Red-billed gull from Interislander ferry Wellington harbour
Phillip Cochrane: Close crop of White-face heron nest building in Nelson NZ