Phil LaCombe: Colorful Castle
Phil LaCombe: A Real Swedish Volvo
Phil LaCombe: Three Moons
Phil LaCombe: Kongens Nytorv Metro Skylights
Phil LaCombe: Christiansborg from Danish Royal Library Gardens
Phil LaCombe: Kongens Nytorv at Twilight
Phil LaCombe: Absalon and His Horse in Højbro Plads
Phil LaCombe: Amagertorv
Phil LaCombe: Kronborg at Elsinore
Phil LaCombe: Not Welcome
Phil LaCombe: Krogerup Højskole
Phil LaCombe: Our Big Yellow Barn
Phil LaCombe: Steeple-Y
Phil LaCombe: Puddle
Phil LaCombe: Krogerup Farm Road
Phil LaCombe: The Danes Try Rice Krispie Treats
Phil LaCombe: CIMG5368
Phil LaCombe: CIMG5667
Phil LaCombe: CIMG5682
Phil LaCombe: CIMG5629
Phil LaCombe: CIMG5599
Phil LaCombe: CIMG5585
Phil LaCombe: CIMG5551
Phil LaCombe: CIMG5538
Phil LaCombe: CIMG5519
Phil LaCombe: CIMG5134
Phil LaCombe: CIMG5108
Phil LaCombe: CIMG5076
Phil LaCombe: CIMG5084
Phil LaCombe: CIMG5045