Phil_James: Water Cube, Beijing
Phil_James: Water cube
Phil_James: Water cube reflections
Phil_James: Water cube cyclist
Phil_James: Water cube sign
Phil_James: Inside the water cube
Phil_James: Water cube corridor
Phil_James: Water cube pool
Phil_James: In the Water Cube, Beijing
Phil_James: Water cube sinks
Phil_James: Birds Nest stadium
Phil_James: Birds nest stadium
Phil_James: Birds nest - yingying
Phil_James: Birds nest seats, Beijing
Phil_James: Birds nest stadium
Phil_James: Beijing olympic 7 star hotel
Phil_James: Summer palace
Phil_James: Summer palace door
Phil_James: Summer palace painting
Phil_James: Summer palace
Phil_James: 17 arch bridge
Phil_James: Marble boat
Phil_James: Summer palace Bronze ox
Phil_James: Summer palace Bronze ox guardian
Phil_James: This was a sign for workers at the summer palace
Phil_James: Beijing class
Phil_James: Beijing street cleaner
Phil_James: The social contract of Beijing
Phil_James: Reading the paper
Phil_James: Beijing bus times