Phil_James: Children's pirates and mermaids party (10)
Phil_James: Children's pirates and mermaids party (1)
Phil_James: Children's pirates and mermaids party (2)
Phil_James: Children's pirates and mermaids party (3)
Phil_James: Children's pirates and mermaids party (7)
Phil_James: Im000597
Phil_James: Makiko and me
Phil_James: I said smile not laugh
Phil_James: Img_3143
Phil_James: Going nowhere fast
Phil_James: Making new friends
Phil_James: At the shanghrila hotel, Beijing
Phil_James: Img_2685
Phil_James: Spot the elephant.. sacred way, Beijing
Phil_James: Group photo at great wall
Phil_James: Group photo at the sacred way, Beijing
Phil_James: Group photo at the summer palace, Beijing
Phil_James: Hawkstone Park (7)
Phil_James: Hawkstone Park (8)
Phil_James: Hawkstone Park (5)
Phil_James: Img_1264
Phil_James: Snowball fight
Phil_James: Dodge-ems
Phil_James: IMG_3558ps