philipwhitcombe: Atrium of the LH Vintage Design Hotel Sax, Prague
philipwhitcombe: Trams in Prague
philipwhitcombe: Trams in Prague
philipwhitcombe: St. Nicholas Church seen from LH Vintage Design Hotel Sax
philipwhitcombe: Interior of St. Nicholas Church, Prague, Czech Republic
philipwhitcombe: View of Prague Castle from Lh Vintage Design Hotel Sax, Prague, Czech Republic
philipwhitcombe: View of Prague Castle from LH Vintage Design Hotel Sax, Prague, Czech Republic - storm approaching!
philipwhitcombe: If you can't beat 'em, join the other tourists taking photos of St. Vitus Cathedral, Prague
philipwhitcombe: Interior of the beautiful Church of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary On Strahov (Nanebevzetí Panny Marie Na Strahově)
philipwhitcombe: Interior of the beautiful Church of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary On Strahov (Nanebevzetí Panny Marie Na Strahově)
philipwhitcombe: Schwarzenberský Palace, Prague, Czech Republic
philipwhitcombe: Bridal photo session at St. Vitus Cathedral
philipwhitcombe: Interior of St. Vitus Cathedral
philipwhitcombe: Interior of St. Vitus Cathedral
philipwhitcombe: St. Vitus Cathedral, Prague, Czech Republic
philipwhitcombe: St. George's Basilica, Prague Castle
philipwhitcombe: Instruments of torture, The Golden Lane, Prague Castle
philipwhitcombe: The Golden Lane, Prague Castle
philipwhitcombe: View of St. Nicholas Church from the Old Royal Palace, Prague Castle
philipwhitcombe: The Old Royal Palace, Prague Castle
philipwhitcombe: The Old Royal Palace, Prague Castle
philipwhitcombe: Covered walkway, Prague Castle
philipwhitcombe: Lennon Wall, Prague, Czech Republic
philipwhitcombe: Lennon Wall, Prague, Czech Republic
philipwhitcombe: The Water Man - Prague, Czech Republic
philipwhitcombe: Small piazza on Na Kampě, Prague, Czech Republic
philipwhitcombe: View towards St. Nicholas Church through the Lesser Town Bridge Tower
philipwhitcombe: View of St. Nicholas Church and the Lesser Town Bridge Tower from Charles Bridge
philipwhitcombe: View of St. Nicholas Church, Prague Castle and the Lesser Town Bridge Tower from Charles Bridge
philipwhitcombe: View towards the Old Town Bridge Tower from Charles Bridge, Prague